Can I install VC.NET 2005 with 2003?




I downloaded VS.NET 2005 for software developers but have 2003 installed in
my machine (as well as VStudio 6.0) and a lot of programs I am working on are
in a mixture of C++ and C#.

My question is: can I safely install VS.NET 2005 and still continue
developing with 2003?



Thanks. Just to be sure - how safe is it? Can I be sure of no DLL Hell
issues? Absolutely sure?

Thanks in advance,

Juan Dent, M.Sc.

Andrew Robinson said:
VS2003 and VS2005 work very nicely side by side.


Kevin Spencer

Nothing is certain. However, all of the information from Microsoft, all of
the anecdotal information I've heard, and my own experience indicate no


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
There's a seeker born every minute.
- Dr. "Happy" Harry Cox

Juan Dent said:
Thanks. Just to be sure - how safe is it? Can I be sure of no DLL Hell
issues? Absolutely sure?


so if I understand well, it is possible to install framework 1.1 and
framework 2.0 side by side?


Andrew Robinson


Most machines will have 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 frameworks installed on them. They
play nice with eachother.


Kevin Spencer

I have several applications and services running on a server, written for
both platforms, and running on both platforms, all without issue. So yes, it
seems to work as advertised. :)


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
There's a seeker born every minute.
- Dr. "Happy" Harry Cox


Do any of you have a document from micrsoft indicating that there is no
problem installing both of them ?


Itayb said:
Do any of you have a document from micrsoft indicating that there is no
problem installing both of them ?
I doubt you'll find any definitive statement to that effect. Why? Because
installing new software in any environment always carries risks and
Microsoft cannot know what software each of us has installed on each
machine, much less the hardware configuration. Nobody can *guarantee* that
your experience will be problem free and Microsoft would be foolish to do
That said, the overwhelming majority posting here and in other .NET groups
appears to have no difficulties installing/using both Visual Studios on the
same PC. I include myself in that group (five different PC's with different
hardware/software configurations in my office and home, plus 40 PC's in
classrooms and labs requiring both versions for different classes).
You *should* have no issues.

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