can i have a winxp product key please

  • Thread starter Thread starter jack wilkinson
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jack wilkinson

Hi my computer all a sudden crashed and i reinstalled xp but lost product
key and microsoft wont help mecan you please give me a product key
jack wilkinson said:
Hi my computer all a sudden crashed and i reinstalled xp but lost product
key and microsoft wont help mecan you please give me a product key

Since software can cost a lot of money, people tend to keep detailed lists
of their software purchases, complete with product keys. If you didn't then
you need to extract yours the hard way round: Download a copy of keyfinder
from, then ask a
computer-savvy friend to assist you in connecting your hard disk to his
machine so that you can extract your product key from the off-line registry.
It works - I have done it myself.
It depends on how you managed to install Windows XP. Did you install it
with a CD supplied to you by your computer maker? If so then the product
key is at the base of your laptop or at the side of your desktop.

If you installed it with a CD you bought in a box from your local store then
the product key should be on the sleeve of the CD on an orange label.

If you downloaded the OS from a hackers site then the product ID was on the
screen and also in a dot txt or dot info file that came with it.

Please give us more info so that our resident specialists can help you out

Pegasus said:
Since software can cost a lot of money, people tend to keep detailed lists
of their software purchases, complete with product keys. If you didn't
then you need to extract yours the hard way round: Download a copy of
keyfinder from, then ask a
computer-savvy friend to assist you in connecting your hard disk to his
machine so that you can extract your product key from the off-line
registry. It works - I have done it myself.

Even after reinstalling XP?
jack wilkinson said:
Hi my computer all a sudden crashed and i reinstalled xp but lost product
key and microsoft wont help mecan you please give me a product key

No product key on the computer's back or bottom? Where then did you get the
original installation of XP?
jack wilkinson said:
Hi my computer all a sudden crashed and i reinstalled xp but lost product
key and microsoft wont help mecan you please give me a product key


Those Microsoft people; they're SO stingy when it comes to handing out
product keys just for the asking. It's not like my local car dealer. Now,
*they* have nice people working there. I went up to a car on the lot and I
told the salesman, "I just bought this car even though it still has your
stickers on the window and I lost the keys. Will you please give me another
key ?" They did ! Man are they nice. Maybe Microsoft should call them and
learn a thing or two about customer service.

Jack, call Microsoft and tell them to call the car dealer at 1-800-437-6200.
Then, Tuesday, call Microsoft back. I'll bet you they'll give you two
product key then.

You can thank me later.

LVTravel said:
No product key on the computer's back or bottom? Where then did you get
the original installation of XP?


I believe Jack got his the same way I got mine. The product key for the
original installation was not on the back or the bottom. It was inside.
The outside of the box said something like "Croacker Jack" or "Cracker Jack"
and the key was *inside* the box.

I'm pretty sure that's it.

He gets what he gets for not saving the product key in a safe place. I feel
real bad for him.....OK, I don't.

LVTravel said:
Even after reinstalling XP?

The OP needs to have a complete copy of the original System registry hive.
If he overwrote his old installation without having any backups then there
is no hope.
jack said:
Hi my computer all a sudden crashed and i reinstalled xp but lost product
key and microsoft wont help mecan you please give me a product key

And just how did you "lose" the sticker on the case? Uh huh.
VanguardLH said:
And just how did you "lose" the sticker on the case? Uh huh.

Actually, that's not as far-fetched as it sounds. The sticker on my ~3 year
old case came off (it's a Compaq with sticker on the side), and if I hadn't
seen it lying on the floor, it would have gotten sucked up in the vacuum,
I'm sure. When I was working, we had a couple of older Compaq's shipped to
us from Ohio and the stickers were gone from them also. HP/Compaq's glue
isn't the best, I guess :)

That said, I don't believe for a second that Jack is having the same
problem, although it is possible. . .
jack said:
Hi my computer all a sudden crashed and i reinstalled xp but lost
product key and microsoft wont help mecan you please give me a
product key

Your difficulty is similar to the same one you'd have if you lost a $100
bill. Nobody is going to give you one of theirs.

You may claim that it's not the same because you want only a copy. If
someone gives you a copy of their XP key, then, sooner or later, their XP
installation will quit working as the Microsoft servers detect the same key
in multiple locations.

This is not an unknown problem.

The easiest solution is simply to buy another copy of XP. And it won't even
use up your whole $100 bill.