Can I fill a form and archive it? Difficult project need help -



I appreciate any help anyone can offer with this project including someone
who I can hire to get the task done because I'm not sure I'm up to this level.

I have an event which requires a liability form be signed by the
participants. One by one I wish to have a participant view the liability form
on my laptop screen. I wish to have to peripheral devices fill appropriate
fields in this form.

First -- I have a magnetic card reader (which puts data in excel with a
simple swipe no problem) that I will swipe a driver's license -- The data
includes delimited Name, Address, Age, and driver's license number --- which
I want to fill the appropriate fields at the top of the waiver form.

Second -- upon viewing the form which has been personalized -- the
participant would sign on the second peripheral -- an electronic signature
pad which I don't have yet but assume it's a TWAIN compliant capture device
which should then populate a signature field at the bottom of the form.

Third -- I need to archive that completed form as a graphic -- in addition,
the scanned demographic data should also be saved in (linked to?) a simple
database for later analysis which can also be saved.

I'm trying to save huge paper waste and make our membership process much
easier -- can anyone help with a method? suggestions on the best program or
programming method? someone who could accomplish this task quickly and
easily? Thanks for considering this.


No expert on this, but a few thoughts inline.


drsilicone said:
I appreciate any help anyone can offer with this project including someone
who I can hire to get the task done because I'm not sure I'm up to this level.

I have an event which requires a liability form be signed by the
participants. One by one I wish to have a participant view the liability form
on my laptop screen. I wish to have to peripheral devices fill appropriate
fields in this form.

- You should check the legality of any "signed" liability form in this way.
Dick Grier has a lot of device I/O stuff:
First -- I have a magnetic card reader (which puts data in excel with a
simple swipe no problem) that I will swipe a driver's license -- The data
includes delimited Name, Address, Age, and driver's license number --- which
I want to fill the appropriate fields at the top of the waiver form.

- If this works as a keyboard wedge style device (e.g. barcode scanner), as
far as your app is concerned, the input comes from the keyboard. As such,
you can dump the input into a text box and process the charachters from
there. Otherwise it will on the type of device, how it functions and whether
the manufacture supplies any tools/components for interacting with the
Second -- upon viewing the form which has been personalized -- the
participant would sign on the second peripheral -- an electronic signature
pad which I don't have yet but assume it's a TWAIN compliant capture device
which should then populate a signature field at the bottom of the form.

-Again, depends on what the manufacture provides in the way of components.
Third -- I need to archive that completed form as a graphic -- in addition,
the scanned demographic data should also be saved in (linked to?) a simple
database for later analysis which can also be saved.

- You can do a Me.PrintForm of the form, although resolution may be a
concern. Other methods are possible, but will depend on you requirements.
- The data staorage would be relatively straight forward, either to the
containing Excel sheet or a DB file file (Access, MySQL etc.). Depends
somewhat on volume of data and degree of analysis required.

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