Can I display various Graphic Files based on Condition?



I have a dropdown list that I can choose from. The values on the worksheet
change depending on the choice. I want to also have a graphic that relates
to each selection. (These are small room plans - EMF files). Is there any
way I can link to different files based on a formula? Alternatively, I could
insert all the EMF files (not as desirable, but acceptable) into the Excel
file and have them called up based on the selection, or put them all on top
of eachother and have them somehow all hide except for the selected one.


I need to keep the main file VB free to avoid Security Settings issues, but I
do open a second file just to do batch printing with macros. So I can do
what your link suggested during the batch printing, but people won't be able
to see the result when they work in the file, just when it prints. I was
afraid of this. Are there any other creative ways to solve this? Anything
that could toggle the visibility of pictures, or load them from files based

Ken Johnson

Sorry, I don't know of any non-VB way of toggling a picture's
visibility, functions can't change a worksheet other than changing a
cell's value.

Ken Johnson


I was afraid so. As a fine point, I would say conditional formatting let's
you do a lot more with formulas than just change the value of a cell. I live
by conditional formatting.

Is there any way Microscoft could consider building in something that would
let me solve my problem? I will have to use VB in the mean time, but it is a
very poor alternative for my application.

Thanks very much.

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