can I delete these?


John E.

In my Windows System files, there are a bunch of files with names similar to
$NTUninstallKBB10217$. What are these files? They seem to have a lot of
drivers and programs with "spuninst.*" in them. Can these be deleted?

Larry Samuels

These are the uninstall files for Windows Updates.
They can be removed IF you are sure you will not need to uninstall the

Larry Samuels MS-MVP (Windows-Shell/User)
Associate Expert
Unofficial FAQ for Windows Server 2003 at
Expert Zone -

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

If you're confident that you won't need to uninstall either the
service pack or any of the subsequent hotfixes, you can safely delete
those folders. You can then open the Control Panel's Add/Remove
Programs applet and select each of the pertinent removal choices, in
turn. You should get an error message stating that the removal files
are missing, and asking if you'd like to delete the menu option.

Bruce Chambers
Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH


I burn the files to a cd before deleting them.
I make a lot of coffee coasters but I feel better having a copy. 50
cents each?

I remember 3 months after installing an update having to roll it back
The cd copy came in handy.


John E.

Thanks to all. I can't see why I would need to uninstall updates since they
all seem to be working fine, but a backup of the files before deletion seems
like the way to go.


You aren't deleting/uninstalling the update, just the folder which contains
the installation information & files - not the full install.
Also, there's no need to save them to CD as they are useless to you in that
You can individually select and download any update (ready for installation
at your leisure) from the Windows Update site anyway.

John E.

That makes sense. Thanks.

johnf said:
You aren't deleting/uninstalling the update, just the folder which contains
the installation information & files - not the full install.
Also, there's no need to save them to CD as they are useless to you in that
You can individually select and download any update (ready for installation
at your leisure) from the Windows Update site anyway.

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