can I create an append query that doesn't produce a new table?



I have several tables, each with the same structure, one for each month. I
prefer to keep them separated by month, as they are very large, and a single
table with all months would be several million records long.

I need to be able to use a query to search through the previous three
months' data. I can use an append query to create a new table with the three
months's data that I want to examine, or I can use three queries, and append
their results to a new table. Is there any way I can treat these tables as
a single 'appended' object without actually creating a new table, and taking
up loads of space?


Hi, Mark.
Is there any way I can treat these tables as
a single 'appended' object without actually creating a new table, and taking
up loads of space?

Don't use an append query for this because, as you mentioned, it takes up a
lot of space. Use a UNION query that only grabs the three tables for the
previous three months. You haven't given the names of these tables, so for
the purposes of this example, I'll assume they're named tblStuff_Nov,
tblStuff_Oct, tblStuff_Sep, tblStuff_Aug, and so on -- basically with the
three letter abbreviation of each month concatenated to the name of the
table. If yours is different, then you'll need to modify the code below.

First, create a query and name it qryLast3Mos. It doesn't matter what the
SQL is, because it's going to be changed in VBA code. Next, set a Reference
to the DAO library if you haven't already. Create a new form and place a
button named ShowLast3MosBtn on it. Paste the following code into the form's
VBA module:

Private Sub ShowLast3MosBtn_Click()

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

Dim qry As QueryDef
Dim sMon1 As String
Dim sMon2 As String
Dim sMon3 As String

sMon1 = Format(DateAdd("m", -1, Date), "mmm")
sMon2 = Format(DateAdd("m", -2, Date), "mmm")
sMon3 = Format(DateAdd("m", -3, Date), "mmm")

Set qry = CurrentDb().QueryDefs("qryLast3Mos")
qry.sql = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM tblStuff_" & sMon1 & _
" UNION SELECT * " & _
"FROM tblStuff_" & sMon2 & _
" UNION SELECT * " & _
"FROM tblStuff_" & sMon3 & ";"

DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryLast3Mos"


Set qry = Nothing

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error in ShowLast3MosBtn_Click( ) in" & vbCrLf & _
Me.Name & " form." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Error #" & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description
GoTo CleanUp

End Sub ' ShowLast3MosBtn_Click( )

Save and compile the code. Open the form in Form View and select the
ShowLast3MosBtn button to display the records in all three tables for the
previous three months, not including the current month.


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'69 Camaro

Hi, Mark.

It appears that you've marked my post above as an answer to your question.
Unfortunately, the Web portal is still rather buggy and it didn't recognize
you as the original poster of the question. Would you please do me a favor
and sign in again to the Microsoft Online Community with your .Net Passport
and try to mark the "Did this post answer your question?" question on my
previous post until a green check mark shows up? (Refresh the page about a
minute later and the green check mark should appear.)

Thanks! It's greatly appreciated.

See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.

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