can I create a shopping card in Front Page?



I'm looking for an easy way to build a shopping cart or a form page in front
page or other microsoft product. My product for the cart is going to be
photos... so all I need built into the cart is a way for customers to select
the photos they want printed, choose the size and if they want it in black
and white or not. Then I want it to be emailed to me. any ideas or


Shopping Carts normally require server-side coding, so check with your host
as to which server-side technologies (ASP, PHP, Perl/CGI etc.) they support.
If you collect credit card information you will also need a SSL certificate
for the server and a database.

You could collect details using a FrontPage form, but this will require a
lot of work on the users part - either a separate form for each photo', or
lots of check boxes; maintenance will be problematic.
Credit Card information requires a secure server and database, and must
never be emailed (unless the mail is encoded using PGP or similar, which
costs a lot.)


I wont actually be asking for credit cards through the shopping cart... Most
of the people who will be using it will have already paid prior to viewing
the photos... How I currently have it set up is that the customer prints out
a PDF that has a table and they fill out what photo numbers and qty and size
then they mail or fax it to me. So if I have a single page form that they
could fill out online rather than printing that would be great too. The most
personal info I'd need is their name, in some cases adress if I dont already
know it and their email.




Thanks, I looked at it and I like it... however it's about as easy as the
shopping cart I already have... which for what I want to do is very time
consuming... but of course once it's setup it's done and I wont have to do
too much more work to it.

I'm either looking at doing a one page form like I mentioned in the reply to
Ronx or an actual shopping cart which would be ideal for me... however, it
needs to be extremely simple... basically a photo gallery that can keep
track of what pictures someone wants and then email it to me in a list. This
might not even be a Front Page issue...

here are some example sites.. (i'd use them but I'm trying to save me money): (click "Photographers... ...Learn More", then look for the

Thanks for your help.


For that scenario, a single FrontPage form with the same field layout as in
the PDF file will be fine.
Your server will need the FrontPage extensions, and email transport set up.
You could use a check boxes for each photo (unless there are lots of them,
which becomes tedious) to save the client typing in the photo's names, with
text boxes for size and quantity.

Search for Forms in FrontPage help for details.

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