Can I create a checklist that changes color as items are checked?



I want to create a checklist where, when users check the boxes, the color of
the font would change. Is this possible? If not in Word, what application
could I perform this task in?


You could use a formfield from the Forms toolbar, an ActiveX control from the
Controls Toolbox toolbar, or a MacroButton.

The underlying idea is that you're going to have some kind of macro operate
that changes the font color.

That in turn means that your document will need an accompanying template to
work correctly.

None of this is a terribly big deal, but if, for example, you're hoping to
e-mail a document that changes colors, you may not want to use Word.

Can you be more detailed about your application?



Hi Bear -

Thank you for the response.

I am looking to create a checklist that will need to be completed every time
an employee performs a task. The idea is that the employee will go to the
document template on a Sharepoint site, and save a copy for their use.

The font for all the checklists items will be in one color (let's say red)
when they begin their task. As they complete each checklist item, they will
check the corresponding box, and the color will change (to black, for
instance). The idea is that when all the checklist items have been checked,
the font will be one color that was different from the starting color.

Thanks for your help!



You could use a formfield from the Forms toolbar, an ActiveX control from the
Controls Toolbox toolbar, or a MacroButton.

The underlying idea is that you're going to have some kind of macro operate
that changes the font color.

That in turn means that your document will need an accompanying template to
work correctly.

None of this is a terribly big deal, but if, for example, you're hoping to
e-mail a document that changes colors, you may not want to use Word.

Can you be more detailed about your application?


Windows XP, Word 2000


I want to create a checklist where, when users check the boxes, the color of
the font would change. Is this possible? If not in Word, what application
could I perform this task in?



Okay, then the template provides a place where you can store your macro code
and have a good chance that it will be available to the forms created.

I'm thinking that your form should look like a table, with the check box in
the first column and the step text in the second column. (The table need not
have any visible gridlines or borders.)

You should use macrobuttons to toggle the checkbox and change the font color
of the entire row -- this is to avoid having to protect and unprotect a
formfield document.

Here, Graham Mayor shows how to use a macrobutton field to toggle a check box.

Follow his instructions. All you have to do is add a line of code to each
subroutine to change the font color for that row. Here's an example -- but
note that I've used slightly different autotext and macro names -- just a
personal preference. If you're using Graham's naming, you just need to add
the "Selection.Rows..." line in the same place shown.

Sub cbxCheck()
ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate.AutoTextEntries("Checked Box").Insert _
Selection.Rows(1).Range.Font.Color = wdColorBlue
End Sub

Sub cbxClear()
ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate.AutoTextEntries("Cleared Box").Insert _
Selection.Rows(1).Range.Font.Color = wdColorRed
End Sub



That is one way to do it. Another, I think, simpler way to do this is to
create the form in Excel. Use conditional formating to change the color of
the text when the box beside it has an X or something entered into it.

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