Can I change the color of the largest number in a column?



In an Excel 2007 spreadsheet I have a column of numbers that is incremented
each month. I would like to have the largest number in that column -- which
may change from month to month -- appear in read not black. How do I write a
formula to do that, or how otherwise do I do it?

Myrna Larson

Assume the numbers are in column A. Use conditional formatting, and in the first box
select Formula Is. Use this formula: =A2=MAX($A$2:$A$10000), and set the formula to font
color red.

$10000 should be large enough that your data won't extend below that row.


Select the range of cells in that column,go to conditional formatting,select
new rules, click new rule, select the 3rd rule type "format only top or
bottom ranked values" select "top" in the rule description box then enter 1
in the adjacent box then select format and selct whatever color you want to
apply to highest value

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