Can I address a single field of continuous form?




My form is displaying a number of rows from a table. I would like
certain values to change the background color of field that contains
them. However, I don't seem to be able to change the field in the one
row that qualifies. Changes the field in all rows.

This sounds like a limitation you get when you take advantage of all
the freebies that come with a continuos sub-form. If not - what am I
doing wrong? If so - what is a good way to do something like this?



Had you done even one search on this subject, you would have found this
question comes up and is answered frequently. This, in fact, is the third
occurance today.

The answer is, you can't. Notice when you are in design view of a continuous
form, you only see once occurance of each control. This is the control.
There is only one of each control. When you go into form view, you see as
may of each control as their are rows in your record set. They are just more
occurances of the one control. Anything you do to the one control affects
all occurances of that control.


I apologize- I should have searched a bit more. Your repsonse is
incorrect however as it can be done with conditional formatting. I'm
doing it now and it works.

In the future - I will search deeper before asking and YOU will ignore
posts that irritate you!

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