Can I add sound for when I delete an e-mail?



A co-worker here is adamant that when he deletes e-mails there was sound
(like a bell). I have searched the Microsoft Help without any success. I see
there is something you can do to change the sound when receiving e-mails in
Outlook, but I do not find anything about adding sound for when you DELETE an
e-mail. Is he having me search for something that doesn't exist, or is there
a way to add sound for when you delete an e-mail?


Maybe he had AOL as a mail client at one time. It has lots of annoying
sounds. Outlook has a blip sound (no bell) when you delete mail, but you have
to install Office sounds separately. Tools>Options>other>advanced
options>Provide feedback with sound. Outlook will offer to download and
install Office Sounds, if necessary.

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