Can connect to one computer on the network but not the other



I just bought a laptop and I was trying to set up my home network. My
laptop is running Windows Media Center and my desktop is running
Windows XP Pro.

I ran the network wizard on both machines.

When I open up My Network Places on my desktop I can see my laptop and
connect to the shares as expected.

When I open up My Network Places on my laptop I can see my desktop, but
when I double click on it to view the shares it tells me that I can not
access the pc becuase I do not have permissions.

Any idea what is wrong here? It is very strange that I can connect one
way but not the other.


I just bought a laptop and I was trying to set up my home network. My
laptop is running Windows Media Center and my desktop is running
Windows XP Pro.

I ran the network wizard on both machines.

When I open up My Network Places on my desktop I can see my laptop and
connect to the shares as expected.

When I open up My Network Places on my laptop I can see my desktop, but
when I double click on it to view the shares it tells me that I can not
access the pc becuase I do not have permissions.

Any idea what is wrong here? It is very strange that I can connect one
way but not the other.

This is actually an often reported problem. One of the most common causes of
this problem would be a misconfigured or overlooked personal firewall, or other
security component. There are several other possibilities too, and any might be
the cause of your problem. Read this article with an open mind.

Take a look at "browstat status", "ipconfig /all", "net config server", and
"net config workstation", from each computer, and diagnose the problem. Read
this article, and linked articles, and follow instructions precisely (download

Please let us know if any of these suggestions are of any help. What you learn
may help others in the future, and that's the purpose of these forums.


Thanks for the help. Finally got it to work. It took two things.

1. Windows firewall was turned on. Once I turned it off I could see
the shares but could still not access them.

2. I am running TrendMicro PCcillin secuirty sweet. I right-clicked
on the icon and choose firewall settings. It was set to direct
connect. I changed this setting to home network.

Once I did this everything worked, though I had to go and unshare all
my shares then reshare them.


Thanks for the help. Finally got it to work. It took two things.

1. Windows firewall was turned on. Once I turned it off I could see
the shares but could still not access them.

2. I am running TrendMicro PCcillin secuirty sweet. I right-clicked
on the icon and choose firewall settings. It was set to direct
connect. I changed this setting to home network.

Once I did this everything worked, though I had to go and unshare all
my shares then reshare them.

Thanks for the update. Dual firewalls will do that. PCcillin SS is sufficient.
Stay safe.

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