Can anyone in MS explain how to insert page numbers??????



I've been trying to find a logical, step-by-step way to insert page numbers
in 2 different sections in a MS Word 2007 document. There is no clear
explanation from Microsoft! If I go to help, I get an encyclodedia of items
about everything, many not even related to my question. I just want someone
who can explain in a logical way, how to insert page numbers (alternating
sides of the page) in 2 introductory section and the main
section. Nobody seems to have the slightest idea of how to explain that
simply and logically. are to be congratulated for taking
something quite straightforward in Office XP and unduly complicating it in
Office now it is completely user-unfriendly!

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Hi Arizonawill,

If you double-click on the page header or footer area, the 'Header & Footer Tools' ribbon displays, giving full access to all the
tools you're used to with Office XP. What could be simpler than that?


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