Can Access help my company 2!


Dewey Does

I live in the tri-state area and I want to record my contacts by state which
is pretty easy I think I would just have to create a new document for every
state! But what my question is New York has different boroughs can I title
the document New York and subtitle it with the different boroughs the state


You need a couple of tables

StateID (Primary Key)
State (list the stats

StateID (linked from TblState)

create a form based on TblBorough
Add a combo box based on TblState

Use the combo to assign a State to each Borough

Create a query based on TblBorough (QryBorough). In Design View
Add BrID and in the next column type
BorState: Borough & " " & State

Add BrID to your Contact Table and link to this field from TblBorough
To the form which is based on your Contact table, add BrID and add a combo
which should be based on QryBorough.
Add BrID and BorState to the Query so that you can choose the correct
Borough for each address
Note that you now do not need to have a field for State in your Contact
table, so long as you enter a Borough but you may need to give some Boroughs
the same name as the State they are in case you only know the state, but
not the Borough, for that person.

I don't know how American Addresses work but in my db I have a table listing
all the streets which is linked to a table listing all the towns which is
linked to a table listing coutries.

I have the link from the Streets table to my Address table - the rule is
that most of the time, you link to the smallest element in a group.

In your reports you can group by StateID using the SortingGrouping Box
If you wish, you can have a Group Header and Footer and you can put StateID
and StateName there
Under that you can group by Borough (if they all have different names) or
BrID and again have a Header and Footer.


Dewey Does

I am new to this and I do not know too much about access I only want to use
to program if it can help me sort by contacts correctly! I tried using
address database but it doesnt allow me to have New York as the primary name
and the boroughs in different sub boxes!


Access can do it, but it does take some learning and rather than spending
the considerable time required in learning how to do it from scratch, you
may be better off paying a professional to design the db for you.

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