Can Access create a tracking?

  • Thread starter Aya via
  • Start date

Aya via

Hi, I'm trying to figure out if Access can create a tracking which can tell
me who's entering to my database, what's the user do and which changes he
made. Is like tracking every step the user is doing in my database. It was
one of my boss recommendations to increase security by having a tracking. I
have the log in form, which is working great.

I'll appreciate if anyone let me know how to create a tracking or if it needs
a program that can help me keep track of who's entering the database. Also,
any suggestions too.


Keith Wilby

Aya via said:
Hi, I'm trying to figure out if Access can create a tracking which can
me who's entering to my database, what's the user do and which changes he
made. Is like tracking every step the user is doing in my database. It was
one of my boss recommendations to increase security by having a tracking.
have the log in form, which is working great.

I'll appreciate if anyone let me know how to create a tracking or if it
a program that can help me keep track of who's entering the database.
any suggestions too.

There is no built-in feature, you have to create it yourself but yes, you
can log users' names, computer name and times on and off by attaching code
to your main form's load and unload events or to a hidden form that opens
and closes with the database app. I track data changes in some of my apps
by calling a function from the forms' before update and delete events.

The type of coding is fairly complex so if you're new to coding it might be
a bit of a baptism of fire. This is the function I call for data changes,
it assumes you have various tables and queries in place which you should be
able to work out (example of calling code is Call libHistory(Me,
Me.txtIssueNo, "BeforeUpdate"):

Public Function libHistory(frmForm As Form, lngID As Long, strTrans As

'Author: Keith Wilby
'Date: 05 July 2005
'Purpose: Record data transactions in tblHistory
'Called from: Form_BeforeUpdate & Delete events

Dim ctl As Control
Dim db As Database, rs As Recordset, strSQL As String, strUser As String
Set db = CurrentDb
strSQL = "Select * From qryHistory;"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
strUser = libUserName() 'This is another custom function not documented
in this thread

For Each ctl In frmForm
'Ignore controls such as labels
If ctl.Name Like "cmd*" Then GoTo Skip
If ctl.Name Like "btn*" Then GoTo Skip
If ctl.Name Like "txtXPID" Then GoTo Skip
If ctl.SpecialEffect = 0 Then GoTo Skip
If ctl.Name Like "txt*" Or ctl.Name Like "cbo*" Or ctl.Name Like
"ogr*" Or ctl.Name Like "chk*" Then
'Record null to value, value to null, and value changes
If ((IsNull(ctl.OldValue) And Not IsNull(ctl.Value)) Or
(IsNull(ctl.Value) And Not IsNull(ctl.OldValue)) _
Or ctl.OldValue <> ctl.Value) Or strTrans = "Delete" Then
With rs
![DataSource] = frmForm.Name
![ID] = lngID
![FieldName] = ctl.ControlSource
![OldValue] = ctl.OldValue 'Don't record Old Value for
an appended comment
If strTrans = "Delete" Then 'Record the fact that the
record was deleted
![NewValue] = strTrans
![NewValue] = ctl.Value
End If
![UpdatedBy] = strUser
![UpdatedWhen] = Now()
End With
End If
End If

Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

End Function

Good luck!


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