Can a program in Access 97 be uploaded onto XP



We have an old computer we want to replace, but have a key program in Access
97 on that computer. Before we proceed, I want to know if anyone has had
experience transferring an Access 97 based program to an XP operating system.

Pat Hartman\(MVP\)

Win XP can run A97 so you shouldn't have any trouble but perhaps it is time
to upgrade to a newer version of Access.

Marshall Barton

ASHA Susan said:
We have an old computer we want to replace, but have a key program in Access
97 on that computer. Before we proceed, I want to know if anyone has had
experience transferring an Access 97 based program to an XP operating system.

Try it and see if it tests alright.

The only problem I ran into with this was that a VBA
construct like:


didn't work.


We willprobably do that if we do not have to reprogram our database, which
we are comfortable with.
Do you know whether a newer version of Access can run a program from an
older version?


Some of the information I have been reading suggests moving 97 to 2000 before
trying to convert to anything newer. I personnaly have no 97 code to worry
about, so I don't know how necessary that is.

Pat Hartman\(MVP\)

Newer versions should run A97. The only problems I have found with
converting A97 databases is when the people who created them were sloppy and
made certain types of coding errors or omissions that A97 let pass but newer
versions complain about. You'll never know whether you're going to have a
problem until you try to convert.

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