camera filter drivers installed for this device are invalid message



I have the Olympus D510 and have had no problem using it
in the past year with Windows Xp on a Dell 4100. However,
recently, when I plugged it into the computer, I get
a "Problem installing hardware, error occurred - one of
the filter drivers installed is invalid" message. I can
still access the photos. I've tried reinstalling the
camera driver from the Device Manager. The latter will
not work. I am using a power supply plug for the camera,
so power usage is not the problem. I've run any number of
utility programs to check the registry. Any help or a
point in the right direction would be greatlly

I uninstalled and reinstalled the hardware in the Device
Manager - error....

I tried a different power source, changed the camera
batteries, switched the usb plugs around. Nada.... I
still get this error message - drivers not installed. Yet
I can access the camera....

Event sequence:
I plug in the camera, see the message - Found new
hardware (Camera name) and disk drive, then I get the
message "Cannot install this hardware, an error occurred
during the installation of the device - one of the filter
drivers installed for this device is invalid....Then I go
to MY Computer and access newly created drive "G" for my
pics. So I can access the camera!!! The error message
is annoying and searches on the web have turned up
nothing... Do I need to reinstall a service pack for Xp
or something? I was thinking it had something to do with
a windows Xp update


Yves Alarie

I would check the Olympus site and see what kind of software update is
available for this camera.


Thanks for the input, Yves and Mary,

I have Camedia Master 2.50 and indeed, there is an update
to 2.51. I did that, but alas, nothing has changed. As
I said, its not a "big" problem. I can still access my
pics - its just annoying.



I have the same problem with my Fuji camera, works fine on one compter but not the other (get filter driver invalid). Help me too.

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