Calling stored proc with parameters ..


Harish Mohanbab


How to call a stored proc with parameters from Excel VBA? Withou
parameters, it goes something like -

Set Comm = New ADODB.Command
Comm.ActiveConnection = Conn
With Comm
.CommandText = <STORED PROC NAME>
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
End With

But I am not able to call SP with multiple parameters. Can someon
help please.

Thanks in advance,

Harish Mohanbab


You need to create a parameter object and append it. See below for an
example. For each parameter you need on parameter object. Look at the ADO
examples code for further details.

dim myParameter as adodb.parameter

set myParameter = new adodb.parameter

with myParameter
.name ="whatever the parameter name is"
.type = whatever type
end with

Comm.parameters.append myParameter


Hi John,

Thanks to your pointer, I finished that code last week itself :) I had to
tweak the code slightly though. Have posted the same below. Hopefully some
one some day finds this useful -
Set Comm = New ADODB.Command
Comm.CommandText = <Name of Stored Proc>
Comm.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

Set paramSO = Comm.CreateParameter("SO", adWChar, adParamInput, 8,
Comm.Parameters.Append paramSO
Comm.ActiveConnection = Conn


Harish Mohanbabu
MBS Axapta - MVP

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