Calling overloaded constructors using Reflection




How do I call the overloaded construction when I create the instance using
the Reflection?

for eg)

namespace MySpace
Interface IOrganization
int show();

namespace MySpace
class Organization : IOrganization
public Organization()
public Organization(int orgNo)
public int show()

I create the instance using the reflection like this.
Assembly orgAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(@"c:\org.dll");

IOrganization m_organization =

When I want to create an instance of the class Organization using
refelection, always it calls the default constructor.
How do I call the overloaded constructor? How do I pass the parameters?



Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

R.Balaji said:
How do I call the overloaded construction when I create the instance using
the Reflection?

Use Type.GetConstructor(Type[]) to get the appropriate constructor, and
then invoke it with the appropriate parameters.

Alternatively, use the form of Activator.CreateInstance which takes an
array of parameters, and hope they won't match more than one

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