calling methods of components running in windows service



I have written one Widows Service in ATL, having a ATL component running.
Now it is very easy to create the VC client by calling CoCreateINstanceEx to
create the component running in the service and giving the appropriate
machine where the service runs..
How shud I got about doing the same thing if the client is written in C#..
I tried using Remoting and ServiceController, but all in vein...
Firstly I wud like to know if it is possible to write such a client to ATL
service using C#.And if yes how shud I go abt it..


Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]

Hi Jasleen,

Create an interop assembly for the ATL service by using tlbimp.exe and
reference this assembly from your C# project.
This assembly will contain classes corresponding to the creatable coclasses
registered by the ATL service. You can instantiate them from managed code
just as any other classes.

You might want to refer to the MSDN COM Interop samples for better
understanding how COM servers are accessed by .NET clients.


I did that but how can I specify the machine name and other security
attributes while instantiating the server object.
I mean how do I tell on which machine the server exists...
For example following code will be there if I use the imported reference
ServerClass sc = new ServerClass();
But in the above instantiation I am unable to specify the machine name and
logon details u can do in CoCreateInstanceEx.
I hope I am able to put forth my problem..

Dmitriy Lapshin said:
Hi Jasleen,

Create an interop assembly for the ATL service by using tlbimp.exe and
reference this assembly from your C# project.
This assembly will contain classes corresponding to the creatable coclasses
registered by the ATL service. You can instantiate them from managed code
just as any other classes.

You might want to refer to the MSDN COM Interop samples for better
understanding how COM servers are accessed by .NET clients.

Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]
Bring the power of unit testing to the VS .NET IDE today!

Jasleen said:
I have written one Widows Service in ATL, having a ATL component running.
Now it is very easy to create the VC client by calling CoCreateINstanceEx
create the component running in the service and giving the appropriate
machine where the service runs..
How shud I got about doing the same thing if the client is written in C#..
I tried using Remoting and ServiceController, but all in vein...
Firstly I wud like to know if it is possible to write such a client to ATL
service using C#.And if yes how shud I go abt it..


Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]


Here's an MSDN example for Media Services:

Type tServerType;
WMSServer RemoteServer;

// Retrieve the type information from the Windows
// Media server running on the remote machine.
tServerType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("WMSServer.Server",

// Create an instance of the remote server object locally.
RemoteServer = (WMSServer)Activator.CreateInstance(tServerType);

Of course you should still have the interop library in place for the type
cast to work.

Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]
Bring the power of unit testing to the VS .NET IDE today!

Jasleen said:
I did that but how can I specify the machine name and other security
attributes while instantiating the server object.
I mean how do I tell on which machine the server exists...
For example following code will be there if I use the imported reference
ServerClass sc = new ServerClass();
But in the above instantiation I am unable to specify the machine name and
logon details u can do in CoCreateInstanceEx.
I hope I am able to put forth my problem..

Dmitriy Lapshin said:
Hi Jasleen,

Create an interop assembly for the ATL service by using tlbimp.exe and
reference this assembly from your C# project.
This assembly will contain classes corresponding to the creatable
registered by the ATL service. You can instantiate them from managed code
just as any other classes.

You might want to refer to the MSDN COM Interop samples for better
understanding how COM servers are accessed by .NET clients.

Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]
Bring the power of unit testing to the VS .NET IDE today!

Jasleen said:
I have written one Widows Service in ATL, having a ATL component
Now it is very easy to create the VC client by calling
create the component running in the service and giving the appropriate
machine where the service runs..
How shud I got about doing the same thing if the client is written in
I tried using Remoting and ServiceController, but all in vein...
Firstly I wud like to know if it is possible to write such a client to
service using C#.And if yes how shud I go abt it..



Thanks a lot....
I cud achieve my objective....

Dmitriy Lapshin said:

Here's an MSDN example for Media Services:

Type tServerType;
WMSServer RemoteServer;

// Retrieve the type information from the Windows
// Media server running on the remote machine.
tServerType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("WMSServer.Server",

// Create an instance of the remote server object locally.
RemoteServer = (WMSServer)Activator.CreateInstance(tServerType);

Of course you should still have the interop library in place for the type
cast to work.

Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]
Bring the power of unit testing to the VS .NET IDE today!

Jasleen said:
I did that but how can I specify the machine name and other security
attributes while instantiating the server object.
I mean how do I tell on which machine the server exists...
For example following code will be there if I use the imported reference
ServerClass sc = new ServerClass();
But in the above instantiation I am unable to specify the machine name and
logon details u can do in CoCreateInstanceEx.
I hope I am able to put forth my problem..

Dmitriy Lapshin said:
Hi Jasleen,

Create an interop assembly for the ATL service by using tlbimp.exe and
reference this assembly from your C# project.
This assembly will contain classes corresponding to the creatable
registered by the ATL service. You can instantiate them from managed code
just as any other classes.

You might want to refer to the MSDN COM Interop samples for better
understanding how COM servers are accessed by .NET clients.

Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]
Bring the power of unit testing to the VS .NET IDE today!

I have written one Widows Service in ATL, having a ATL component
Now it is very easy to create the VC client by calling
create the component running in the service and giving the appropriate
machine where the service runs..
How shud I got about doing the same thing if the client is written in
I tried using Remoting and ServiceController, but all in vein...
Firstly I wud like to know if it is possible to write such a client to
service using C#.And if yes how shud I go abt it..


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