calling a delegate in a late bound C# dll



How do I call a delegate in late bound C# dll? there some way to do this w/
a sharedinterface file? any examples? i tried this but it doesnt work:

(oType.GetMethod("IOCTLJOB").Invoke(pObj, new object[] {
pClass1.m_job } )).ToString();

and it returns the error:

Additional information: Object type cannot be converted to target type.

I have the delegate defined in both the late bound dll and the host assembly
like this:
public delegate void Job();


A delegate is not a method so GetMethod does will not work. In the
late bound dll what is IOCTLJOB? Where did you get oType from? Show
some code from both dll's and I can probably help you. From your
question I am still not sure what you are trying to accomplish.

PS if you need to have a void delegate with no args then the framwork
defines MethodInvoker so no need to create your own class.
Cecil Howell MCSD, MCAD.Net, MCT

Mr. Mountain

Here's one way to do it:

protected void PerformAction(string delegateMethodName)
MyDelegate targetAction = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(MyDelegate), this,
delegateMethodName) as MyDelegate;

((MyDelegate)(targetAction.Method)).Invoke(this, new object[] {
myParameter } );

I didn't actually compile the code, but it should be pretty close.

Hope that helps.

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