

Kelly Travel

Someone please help. My outlook was archived yesterday. When this happened
I lost all the information I have on my Outlook calendar. I have tried but
have had not luck finding thie file. One of the help menus said go to the
"GO" tab, select "folders", select "archive calendar". It is not there.
Any suggestions how to find it?


it's probably called archive.pst

it's probably stored in c:\documents and settings\<your user name>\local
settings\application data\microsoft\outlook

if it's not there, search you hard drive for *.pst (look in hidden folders)

and when you find it, in outlook, do a File/Open/Outlook Data File to access

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

Someone please help. My outlook was archived yesterday. When this
I lost all the information I have on my Outlook calendar. I have tried
have had not luck finding thie file. One of the help menus said go to the
"GO" tab, select "folders", select "archive calendar". It is not there.
Any suggestions how to find it?

Click Tools>Options>Other>AutoArchive. Do you see a checkbox labeled "Show
archive folder in fodler list"? If so and it's not checked, check it.

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