Calendar Screen tips?


George Wilson

I am currently using Outlook 2003. When I set up a meeting and go to the
scheduling tab, some attendees I can hover the mouse over and the attendees
appointments for the day will pop up and you can see their agenda for the
day. With others nothing will pop up even if they are not private items. Is
there some way the individual can toggle this feature on or off or is this
feature controled on the exchange server? Why does it work for some but not
others? Thanks in advance for any helpful info.

Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)

The ones where you hover and see details are calendars to which you have
been given permission by the owner of the calendar. Ask the other people to
set permission for you as well if you want to see their meeting details.

If you like that function, you may also like Group Schedules - try them out
in Calendar, button to the left of the Today button in the Satndard Toolbar.

Make sure the Options - show Calendar details is on (bottom left) to see the
details of a schedule.



Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Trainer and Consultant
My suggested settings for Outlook 2003 are FREE on my website.


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