Calendar Reminders



My calendar reminders aren't working ... how do I fix this??? Thanks!!

It says,

"Can't start the reminder service. Unable to show reminders."

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Try starting Outlook with the /resetfolders switch:

Start, Run dialog: outlook.exe /resetfolders

Then press Enter.



When I run the reset folders I then get the another error ... someone told
me to do the same thing and run outlook.exe /cleanreminders. Which ever one
I run the other error pops up. Any ideas how to fix both errors??????


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Since I don't know what errors you're getting I have no idea of what you

Usually if you get errors on those switches you need to a) run Scanpst.exe
against your PST file to see if it's corrupted b) If using Exchange cached
mode switch to uncached mode and if that works set up a new OST file c) set
up a brand new profile.



The two errors are:

Reset Folders Error = "There was a problem reading one or more of your
reminders. Some reminders may not appear. Cannot locate recurrence
information for this appointment."


Clean reminders Error = "Can't start the reminder service. Unable to show

So which ever one I run, the other error starts popping up. You are saying
run, "scanpst.exe" and if I get any errors to set up another profile? How do
I set up another profile and will I loose all my contacts, etc? How do I
know if I am running "Exchange"???

Thanks so much for your help.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

OK. What you need to do first is get rid of any corrupted appointments. Set
the calendar folder to active appointments view (or another table view like
that) and delete the recurring appointments. Note them down so you can
re-create them later. After that's done exit Outlook and run Scanpst.exe 3
times to find and fix any errors in your PST file. Then run /resetfolders
/cleanreminders (both in one command line) and see if that helps.



Thanks. What is the command line for scanpst.exe??? Is this how I put the
clean reminders and reset folders in one line swith:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\Outlook.exe"

Is this correct?????

Thanks again!

Brian Tillman

JB said:
Thanks. What is the command line for scanpst.exe???

%CommonProgramFiles%\system\MSMAPI\1033\scanpst.exe for an English
Is this how I
put the clean reminders and reset folders in one line swith:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\Outlook.exe"



JB - I have had the same problem for about 2 weeks now, read the string,
printed and deleted my recurrances and when I reopened Outlook my reminders
were back. I'm hoping that might work for you also. Thank you for posting!

Ken - Thank you for your awesome advise!

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Make sure there's a space between the 2 switches and before the first


Removing recurrances worked for me too!!

I did save a backup pst of my calendar before removing recurrances, and
strangely it worked fine to read them back into outlook afterwards, with no
error msg.
(lazy people try these things and sometimes get lucky)


Okay... so Ken totally rules! I've been having this issue for the last
several weeks and my IT department couldn't (and didn't want to bother trying
to) fix it. THANK YOU A MILLION AND ONE TIMES OVER!!!!! I could totally kiss
you right now!


I tried your suggestion to delete the appointment in a table view and after
doing so this fixed my problem. Thanks Gary


I am sorry, can you please tell me how to run scanpst.exe against the pst
file? I tried entering this on the command prompt and in the run command in
the start menu and neither worked.

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

I am sorry, can you please tell me how to run scanpst.exe against the pst
file? I tried entering this on the command prompt and in the run command
the start menu and neither worked.

SCANPST.EXE is in %CommonProgramFiles%\System\MSMAPI\1033 for Outlook 2003
and earlier on an English version of Windows and in %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft
Office\Office12 for Outlook 2007. Use the Mail applet in Control Panel to
tell you where the PST file resides. Double-click SCANPST.EXE and when it
prompts for the location of the PST, enter what you found in the Mail

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