Calendar Control 11.0


Claude Amyotte


I'm having trouble's setting the default value of the Calendar Control when
it's unbound and the form is first opened. I want it to display the current
date but nothing seems to work.

For example:

me.calendar1.value = Date ( I have this in the 'Open' event of the form )

Anything would be helpful. Thank you.


Wolfgang Kais

Hello Claude.

Claude said:
I'm having trouble's setting the default value of the Calendar Control
when it's unbound and the form is first opened. I want it to display the
current date but nothing seems to work.

For example:
Me.Calendar1.Value = Date (I have this in the 'Open' event of the form)

Try this in the Load event.

Wolfgang Kais

Hello Claude.

Claude said:
I'm having trouble's setting the default value of the Calendar Control
when it's unbound and the form is first opened. I want it to display the
current date but nothing seems to work.

For example:
Me.Calendar1.Value = Date (I have this in the 'Open' event of the form)

Try this in the Load event.

Tony Toews

Claude Amyotte said:
I'm having trouble's setting the default value of the Calendar Control when
it's unbound and the form is first opened. I want it to display the current
date but nothing seems to work.

In addition to Wolfgang's postings I'd suggest not using the Calendar
Control at all.

See the Calendar Tips page at my website

There could, likely will, be lots of version problems when you go to
distribute the MSCal.OCX..

One alternative is MonthCalendar is a completely API generated Month
Calendar derived directly from the Common Control DLL. There are
links to several downloadable calendar forms at my website. As these
are forms you can also do anything with them you want.

You can also use the calendar form which comes in the Access <insert
your version here> Developers Handbook by Litwin/Getz/Gilbert,
publisher Sybex These books are well
worth spending money. Every time I open one I save the price of the

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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Hi Tony,

I tried your tip on A Pop-up Calendar for your Access Forms (1st link in
your post). I noticed that in your first image that your form shows a
"StartDate" and "EndDate." I followed your procedures for my Start Date
field, even through the last section "What About Multiple Calendars?". My
question is, do I follow the entire procedure again to set up my End Date
field that I have on the same form?


Tony Toews

IM4Jayhawks said:
I tried your tip on A Pop-up Calendar for your Access Forms (1st link in
your post). I noticed that in your first image that your form shows a
"StartDate" and "EndDate." I followed your procedures for my Start Date
field, even through the last section "What About Multiple Calendars?". My
question is, do I follow the entire procedure again to set up my End Date
field that I have on the same form?

Assuming that you used the MonthCalendar MDB from the only steps you need to
repeat for the second date are 7, 8 and 9.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at

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