Calculation Efficiency (Speed)?



Excel2003 ...

3 WorkSheets ... WS1, WS2 & WS3 ... Cols A:F ... all contain the same
respective Values returned by the same Index/Match Formula pegged to Cols in
WS4. This the result of copying WS2 & WS3 once I had WS1 working.

Rather than leaving the Index/Match Formulas on WS2 & WS3 ... Is it easier
for Excel to calculate if I use Index/Match Formula on WS1 only ... & then
use "equal" Formulas (Links) from WS2 & WS3 to WS1 as in options below:

1: WS1 Index/Match WS4 ... WS2 Index/Match WS4 ... WS3 Index/Match WS4
2: WS1 Index/Match WS4 ... WS2 Equal Links WS1 ... WS3 Equal Links WS1
3: WS1 Index/Match WS4 ... WS2 Equal Links WS1 ... WS3 Equal Links WS2
4: or other?

What is the most efficient way to say up ... for Excel to calculate this

Thanks ... Kha

JE McGimpsey

It would be far more efficient to include the reference/link than to
repeat the INDEX/MATCH functions.

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