Calculation Conundrum



I'm sure there is a simple solution, but after hours of research...I need help.
There are staff members planned for a project and hours that need to be
multiplied times the rate to give a dollar figure per person with a bottom
line total for the dollars. There may be anywhere from 1-50 people assigned
to a project so not every line is filled in. For example:
Name hours Rate Total
Chris 50 $100 $5000
Joe 10 $125 $1250

Total #VALUE

What is the best way to handle this? Thank you for your kind assistance.


Assuming your data below starts at A1

In D2: =B2*C2
Copy this down the column as far as you need,
In column D below your last cell from above: =SUM(D2:D??) changing the ?? to
the row above this cell.



Your first formula is what I have in place. I have 50 rows that could be
potentially filled in. Each of the 50 rows has a formula in the D column
waiting for the rest of the data to be entered and may not be filled in.
Each row that does not have data entered gives a #VALUE error, which is
probably why I'm getting the same error at the bottom. It seems to me that
there must be an IF statement that says something like if the cells of the
formula are blank then the value should be 0. If the value was 0, then the
total at the bottom would be sum of the column.
Thank you for your time.

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