calculating undefined ranges using vba



Can anyone help?

I need to calculate the total of any selected cells which all have th
same value. For example:
I have created a shortcut key (macro) and used vb to program a simpl
fill function when the user selects any range of cells and hits ctrl+r

So say the user selects any range - say a 2 column by 10 row area B6 t
B16 and C6 to C16. They then het ctrl+r - the area fills in red. I
every cell is equal to 13.25 (£) can the total cost of that space b
calculated and displayed? Again, the total needs to be able to b
calculated anywhere within the cells B6 to K59 (each cell would b
valued as 13.25 but this cannot appear on the spreadsheet).

Summed up, I guess you could say I'm looking to calculate the cost o
any selection defined by the user.

I really am very lost!

Hope this is clear!


Tom Ogilvy

set rng = Range("B6:K59")
if union(selection,rng).Address <> "$B$6:$K$59" then
' selection is not totally within B6:K59
msgbox "Invalid selection"
msgbox Format(Selection.count * 13.25,"£#,##0.00")
End if

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