Calculating total values of duplicate entries



Hello all,
This is going to be quite difficult to explain so I'll try my best and
hopefully I'll get it sorted out :)

OK, I have a spreadsheet with four columns in total. First column (A)
contains four-letter combinations (eg. AAAA, AABB, ABAA etc). Second
column (B) contains a value for each of the letter combinations in
column one (eg. 110, 1000, 7000 etc). The third column (C) I have
entered the code *=LEFT(A1,2)* to only show the first two letters of
the text in column one. This applies to the whole column, not just row
2 as in my example. This would give, for example, results of AA, AB, AC
and so on:


Column four (D) is where my problem lies - I need to work out the total
value (SUM of the B column) of AA instances, AB instances etc. but I
would like it to be a simple formula that I can copy throughout the
whole column. The result I need to achieve is shown in the following
image, but as I said it's time-consuming to go through each line adding
them up manually, if a formula can be created to work it out


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



Thanks for replying so quickly!

That formula does appear to work, but it still requires me to manuall
type in the two-letter code to work it out - is it possible to alte
this formula so that, for example, it will only look for the two-lette
code in the adjacent cell, and will also only work it out the one time?

Take the following as an example (bear in mind I have only used a SU
formula to work this out!) :




I think I've sorted it! By playing about with your original suggestion
I've come up with the formula:


Looking good at the moment - thanks very much matey!


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