Calculating percentages in P&L



In an imported P&L I want to insert a column to calculate percent of sales.
How do I get each cell in the new column to divide it's appropriate numerator
(the cell immediately to the left) by a common denominator (the cell
containing the sales value)? When I copy a formula, it moves both the
numerator and the denominator down the referent column.

Thanks for any help. I know this is a simple fix, I just can't find it.

Dave O

This is your third post this morning regarding percentages and
anchoring the cell reference. Ettiquette suggests you wait for the
response to a question and use the answer in all applications.
Modifying the original post is great, and even desireable.


I kept getting error messages suggesting I try again later. When I realized
that all three had posted, I looked for a way to edit / delete, but I
couldn't find one. I refrained from posting an apology on the theory that I
didn't want to further waste people's time, but I do apologize for my error.

Dave O

Please accept my apologies: I know how that happens, and did not
consider that might have been the case.

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