Calculating age in years from dates



In Access, is there some way I can use a Birth Date field and the current
date to calculate age in years? Are there Expressions that will allow this to
be done in the Criteria row of a query? Can the current date be read directly
from the computer?


The Date() will return the current date from the Computer
To get the age you can use the DateDiff Function

To use it in a query
Select TableName.* , datediff("yyyy",DateField,date()) as AgeField From

To add a criteria by age, for example all ages that are greater then 20 years:
Select TableName.* , datediff("yyyy",DateField,date()) as AgeField From
TableName Where datediff("yyyy",DateField,date()) > 20

Dirk Goldgar

Ofer said:
The Date() will return the current date from the Computer
To get the age you can use the DateDiff Function

Actually, no -- you can't. DateDiff may be off by as much as 364 days
(365, if this is a leap year!). As far as DateDiff is concerned, the
difference between #12/31/2005# and #1/1/2006# is 1 year. That's
because DateDiff counts interval *boundaries* between the two dates.
See the link I posted for various methods to calculate age accurately.


Great info. Thanks

Ofer said:
The Date() will return the current date from the Computer
To get the age you can use the DateDiff Function

To use it in a query
Select TableName.* , datediff("yyyy",DateField,date()) as AgeField From

To add a criteria by age, for example all ages that are greater then 20 years:
Select TableName.* , datediff("yyyy",DateField,date()) as AgeField From
TableName Where datediff("yyyy",DateField,date()) > 20

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Good luck

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