Calculated Totals Are on a Separate Page



I have a calculated control on a report that sums each department totals. The calculation works just fine, but it prints it out on a separate page. I looked at the properties of the calculated control, the report footer and the report, and the value in "Force New Page" is non. The report is only half a page long; I would like for the total to be on the same page. Could someone help me? Thank you for your time.

Steve Schapel


Another thing to check... that there is not a Page Break control on
the report - sometimes these can be difficult to see in the design
view of a report if they are located at the ver bottom of the section.
Another possibility is to check the Page Setup (via the File menu),
just in case for some reason the margins have been incorrectly set.
How about the actual height of the report sections themselves... sorry
but I am trying to imagine all possibilities. You mentioned the
report footer, but I *imagine* the calculated control is actually in
the Department footer section... if not, you'd better post back with
some more details of your report design). Therefore, you need to
check the Force New Page property setting for this section as well,
and also for the Header sections. Good luck!

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP


Okay, you know what it was? In the Properties of the Report Header, there was a choice that said "Page Header", and the value that was in there was "Not with Rpt Ftr". I changed the value to "All Pages", and it brought the Report Footer (which had the Department Totals) right after the last item. Thank you very much for your help


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