Calculate Time



If this function works: =TEXT(F9-E9, "hh:mm:ss"), why doesn't this:
=TEXT(H2:H9, "hh:mm:ss")? I have a form enter start and end times. In
another column I use the first function above to calculate the elapsed
time. I would like to total that column in hh:mm:ss format. How do I
do this?


Hi Tamara,

=TEXT( XXX , "hh:mm:ss") is only a way to show differently XXX.
In first case, XXX is a difference. In second, H2:H9 is a group of
cells. But what Excel needs to do with this group to give a result ?

You indicated to search for a total :
Does =TEXT(sum(H2:H9), "hh:mm:ss") answer your wish ?


Tamara a écrit :

Tom Ogilvy

you already recevied an answer on how to do it. However,

With your current formulas you could do


Frank Kabel

you are probably looking for
=TEXT(SUM(H2:H9), "[hh]:mm:ss")

But why use the text function at all?
simply use
and goto 'Format - cells' and use the custom format

Reason: With the latter one you can use the result for further
calculations. If you use TEXT you first have to convert the string to a
numeric value before you could use it for further calculations!

Tom Ogilvy

since she used Text function to produce the results in H2:H9, using a
straight sum function will only return zero. I showed how to use sumproduct
to convert them to summable values.

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