Cache problem (redownloads whole page over and over)

  • Thread starter easytoremember123
  • Start date


A few days ago I cleared the Temporary Internet Folder cache. Then I
revisited several pages. They downloaded from scratch, as expected.
Since then, every time I revisit them, they have to redownload
everything like if it was the first time. Actually, IE doesn't
redownload the data all over, but it seems to "check" every icon and on
one page with 200 icons that I visit regularly this can take a minute,
while usually it took a few seconds. This problem has happened to me
before, and it went away after a while without my doing anything. And
that time around the problem didn't start with the clearing of the
cache, I don't recall why it happened.

I'm using Win XP and IE6.

Don Varnau

1. Set the size of the IE cache to about 50-60 MB. A larger cache isn't
necessarily faster.
2. Temporary Internet Files> Settings> Check for newer versions of stored
pages... try "Never" (you can hit Refresh if you need to) or "Every time you
start IE."

Hope this helps,

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