CA Error



Hello all-

I keep getting this AutoEnrollment event in my Application log.
At one point we did have a CA server but that has been removed for a year or
so. I can not find any GPO with configured CA settings. Can anyone help me
in resolving where and why I am receiving this?

Thanks - Sean

Product: Windows Operating System
ID: 13
Source: AutoEnrollment
Version: 5.2
Message: Automatic certificate enrollment for %1 failed to
enroll for one %2 certificate (%3). %4

Steven L Umbach

There is a setting under computer configuration/Windows settings/security
settings/public key policies - automatic certificate request where you will need to
delete any entries. Gpresult can help show what computer Group Policies are being
applied to that computer and those are the policies you need to check though I would
check domain policy first. --- Steve

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