I have been running Battlefield 1942 Road To Rome for many
months with no problems, I played the game last night. I
used my computer to download some files from various
locations this morning and when I attmpted to play BF1942
today, it caused a shutdown and restart of the machine.
after isolating the cause I found the reason to be
I downloaded new drivers from NVidia and Turtle Beach and
did a complete virus scan using McAfee Virus Scan Online.
I then retored the computer to a point 3 days ago,
reinstalled BF1942. I now get 0x000000F4
(0X00000003,0X81FC3580,0X81FC3724,0X805ACAC85)right after
the windows XP screen during the 1st reboot attempt, and
then get a C000021 Fatal System Error: 0XC0000005
(0X75E96003,0X0069F1DC). Then I get a normal reboot.
Repeats if I try to run BF1942, can run other programs
such as IE, Excel, Access, Cue Club, Spider Solitare.
I need help, please!
months with no problems, I played the game last night. I
used my computer to download some files from various
locations this morning and when I attmpted to play BF1942
today, it caused a shutdown and restart of the machine.
after isolating the cause I found the reason to be
I downloaded new drivers from NVidia and Turtle Beach and
did a complete virus scan using McAfee Virus Scan Online.
I then retored the computer to a point 3 days ago,
reinstalled BF1942. I now get 0x000000F4
(0X00000003,0X81FC3580,0X81FC3724,0X805ACAC85)right after
the windows XP screen during the 1st reboot attempt, and
then get a C000021 Fatal System Error: 0XC0000005
(0X75E96003,0X0069F1DC). Then I get a normal reboot.
Repeats if I try to run BF1942, can run other programs
such as IE, Excel, Access, Cue Club, Spider Solitare.
I need help, please!