C++ to C# with unsigned long *



Hi there,
I have problem with importing my C++ code to C#.

The c++ looks like these

extern _declspec(dllexport) const char*
SendAndReceiveBufferedWrp(__int64 hConnection, const char*
pchSendBuffer, int iCmdDataMode,unsigned long bufferLength, unsigned
long * pulNumBytesRcved) {

And the C#
[DllImport("\\dll\\Test.dll", EntryPoint =
unsafe private static extern string
SendAndReceiveBufferedDll(Int64 connection, string sendBuffer,int
cmdDataMode,ulong bufferLength,ref ulong numbytes);
unsafe public string SendAndReceiveBuffered(Int64 connection,
string sendBuffer,int cmdDataMode,ulong bufferLength,out ulong
return SendAndReceiveBufferedDll(connection, sendBuffer,
cmdDataMode, bufferLength,ref numbytes);

in the c++ the pulNumBytesRcved pointer is allways NULL there is no
address passed.
Could somebody help me with thise ?

Thanks in advance.

Carl Daniel [VC++ MVP]

Hi there,
I have problem with importing my C++ code to C#.

The C++ type unsigned long is 32 bits - equivalent to System.UInt32.

The C# type ulong is 64 bits, equivalent to unsigned __int64.

Fix the declarations in the C# code and you should be okay.



Thanks I have got it mean while. But now I got a new problem I have
structure that is

typedef struct _tagEventstruct
unsigned long ulVersion;
__int64 hConnection;
unsigned long ulListener;
unsigned long ulType;
unsigned long ulId;
unsigned long ulSubClass;
unsigned long ulTimeStampSec;
unsigned long ulTimeStampMicroSec;
unsigned char* puchData;
unsigned long ulDataLength;
unsigned short* pwszDesc;
unsigned short wszModuleName[128];
unsigned long ulModuleLineNumber;
#ifndef SWIG
void** ppData;
unsigned long ppData;

and in C# it is like

public struct XdsEvent
public uint ulVersion;
public Int64 hConnection;
public uint ulListener;
public uint ulType;
public uint ulId;
public uint ulSubClass;
public uint ulTimeStampSec;
public uint ulTimeStampMicroSec;
public IntPtr puchData;
public uint ulDataLength;
public IntPtr pwszDesc;
string wszModuleName;
public uint ulModuleLineNumber;
public IntPtr ppData;

It works fine for some data i.e. wszModuleName but some data is allways

I am getting the pwszDesc string value by
string data = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(eventdata.pwszDesc);
string data = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(eventdata.puchData);

but they allways return null also some othere data like ulDataLength
return bad numbers.

At the moment I am also stuck with a function
in C++

xds_bool BroadcastMessageReceived( __int64 hConnection,
unsigned char* pData,
long ulDataLength,
long ulStatusCode,
unsigned short * wszDesc,
unsigned short * wszModuleName,
long ulLineNumber )

where wszDesc and wszModuleName are null terminate Unicode strings

and in C#
[DllImport("\\XdsIII.dll", EntryPoint =
private static extern bool BroadcastMessageReceivedDll(Int64
connection, IntPtr data, uint dataLength, uint statusCode, IntPtr desc,
IntPtr moduleName, uint lineNumber);
public bool BroadcastMessageReceived(Int64 connection, string
data, uint dataLength, uint statusCode, string description, string
moduleName, uint lineNumber)

dataLength, statusCode, Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(description),
Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(moduleName), lineNumber);

but it keeps faling with AccessViolationException

Could you help me with these?


I solved it. The problem was that the structure defined in c++ was in
wrong order and C# did not import it correctly. Although what I dont
know is that is this a standard behaviour that some data is swithced
due to some BigEndien stuff ?!

Finally finished.

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