Hobbyist codemonkey here!! 
I'm new to C#/mono but not programming.
I prefer to code using emacs, and compiling from the CLI. I need to know how to physically organize namespace files (where should they live?) and how to reference them in a C#/mono program file.
I'm aware of the "Using" directive, as well as Namespaces { ... }. But I need to know how to tell the compiler where to find these "modules" without having to use the /r:blah.dll for every user-defined namespace. Is there a "config" file that I can tell the compiler to use to load the namespaces in one shot?
Other solution? No IDE suggestions - PLEASE!!!! TIA ...

I'm new to C#/mono but not programming.
I prefer to code using emacs, and compiling from the CLI. I need to know how to physically organize namespace files (where should they live?) and how to reference them in a C#/mono program file.
I'm aware of the "Using" directive, as well as Namespaces { ... }. But I need to know how to tell the compiler where to find these "modules" without having to use the /r:blah.dll for every user-defined namespace. Is there a "config" file that I can tell the compiler to use to load the namespaces in one shot?
Other solution? No IDE suggestions - PLEASE!!!! TIA ...