C# Exception cleanup resource management like C++?


Mike N

Coming from a C++ background, are destructors called for all local
objects after a C# exception?


myproc() {

CSingleLock protect(&m_myCritsec, FALSE);
if (!protect.Lock())
// Handle error

// more stuff that can throw an exception


.... You know that the critical section for 'protect' is released
properly because its destructor will be called regardless of an

If I understand C#, you could not develop a similarly functioning
CSingleLock class because the destructor is called only at some later
random point by the garbage collection. So to properly release
semaphores, etc, you must use a try...finally construct everywhere,
manually track everything that might have been locked/used and make
sure it is released?

Sean Hederman

You could use the lock statement, or, if the object implements IDisposable
you can use the using construct

myproc() {
lock(this) {
// Do stuff inside lock, exceptions will release the lock.
myproc() {
using(new MySingleLock(args)) {
// Do stuff, MySingleLock.Dispose will be automatically called on
exception and exiting scope

Mike N

myproc() {
lock(this) {
// Do stuff inside lock, exceptions will release the lock.

Thanks! This one appears very useful!

myproc() {
using(new MySingleLock(args)) {
// Do stuff, MySingleLock.Dispose will be automatically called on
exception and exiting scope

Thanks, this was a general solution I was looking for; I had skimmed
over the 'using' keyword, thinking it was namespace scope only.

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