C drive is F drive



Hi all,
Have got a curly one here. Have just loaded WinXp pro
onto a 20gig WD and also have a 3.2 gig Quantum slave for
data. The WD showed up as the primary master and the
quantum as the slave. After installing XP onto the WD, I
decided to format the Quantum to clean it up ready for
data.In Windows Explorer, the Quantum shows up as the C:
drive and the WD as F: (the 2 CD's being D: E:). That's
strange, because the WD showed up as the primary master
and Windows partitioned and formated that drive. I
disconnected the Quantum thinking that the WD might
assume the C: position, but it didn't.
The question is, how do I make the WD as the C: drive.

Thanx in advance.


Thanx Jeff, my first response was, "what, reload windows"
but after looking at the alternative, you may be write.
Thanx again

-----Original Message-----
Disconnect the Quantum, format and install XP to the
WD. Yes, it is extra work but it beats this alternative;
Change the System/Boot Drive Letter in Windows
US;Q223188& HTH.
Just my ¢ worth
__________in response to__________
| Hi all,
| Have got a curly one here. Have just loaded WinXp pro
| onto a 20gig WD and also have a 3.2 gig Quantum slave for
| data. The WD showed up as the primary master and the
| quantum as the slave. After installing XP onto the WD,

Anonymous Joe

You can try going to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer
Management, and choose disk management.

Then change F: to Z:, your E: (CD/DVD) to F:, your D: (CD/DVD) to E:, your
C: to D:, and change your Z: back to C:.

It's not that hard at all, and involves no backing up or registry editing.
Worth a shot b4 u go off and reinstall.

Thanx Jeff, my first response was, "what, reload windows"
but after looking at the alternative, you may be write.
Thanx again

-----Original Message-----
Disconnect the Quantum, format and install XP to the
WD. Yes, it is extra work but it beats this alternative;
Change the System/Boot Drive Letter in Windows
US;Q223188& HTH.


That's not unusual and DOESN'T need a re-install. It can be changed from
Windows. Leave you hard drive in. Go to Control Panel>Admnistraive Tools>
Computer Management and choose disk mangement.

You can change it all from there.


Have you tried that procedure?

It will not allow changing the system drive letter. You can change any other drive to any letter you want (if it's not in use) except the system drive.

Just my ¢ worth
__________in response to__________
| That's not unusual and DOESN'T need a re-install. It can be changed from
| Windows. Leave you hard drive in. Go to Control Panel>Admnistraive Tools>
| Computer Management and choose disk mangement.
| You can change it all from there.


- Change Disk Drive Letters

First you must remember that you CANNOT change the letter for the

boot drive if it contains the PAGEFILE.SYS (swap file) and/or HIBERFILE.SYS(hibernate file).

To move pagefile.sys use Control Panel | System | Advanced tab | Settings

under Performance | Advanced tab again | Virtual Memory and CHANGE

button. set the drive you want to move FROM to NO Paging File and click on SET.

set the drive you want to move TO and click SET.

To turn off page file, same as above, but select No Paging file and then clickthe SET button

To disable hiberfile.sys use Control Panel | Power Options Hibernate tab.

THEN REBOOT and Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Computer Management | Disk

Management under Storage, then RIGHT click on the drive letter to change

and select the Change Letter option.

THEN following the first procedure set the PAGEFILE.SYS back to the

drive it was on originally.

XP automatically adjusts the registry for the drive letter changes.

(e-mail address removed)

Hi all,
Have got a curly one here. Have just loaded WinXp pro
onto a 20gig WD and also have a 3.2 gig Quantum slave for
data. The WD showed up as the primary master and the
quantum as the slave. After installing XP onto the WD, I
decided to format the Quantum to clean it up ready for
data.In Windows Explorer, the Quantum shows up as the C:
drive and the WD as F: (the 2 CD's being D: E:). That's
strange, because the WD showed up as the primary master
and Windows partitioned and formated that drive. I
disconnected the Quantum thinking that the WD might
assume the C: position, but it didn't.
The question is, how do I make the WD as the C: drive.

Thanx in advance.


That's not unusual and DOESN'T need a re-install. It can be changed from
Windows. Leave you hard drive in. Go to Control Panel>Admnistraive Tools>
Computer Management and choose disk mangement.

Or right click on My Computer/Manage
You can change it all from there.

But not always with good results. But its worth a try...if he's gonna
hafta reinstall anyway.

Have a nice week...


Cat...the OTHER white meat!


My apologies. Perhaps I was thinking of a multi boot system or something. I
know I have done something similar to it although clearly not the system

For the system drive?
As I stated, you can change any drive except the system drive using that
procedure. Just tried it, see the attached .jpg.

Just my ¢ worth
__________in response to__________
| Yes I have used it. Works fine.

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