C# Conditional Compilation - VS Configuration - Newbie Question



Hi all,

I am having some trouble integrating a C++ native DLL into a C# App.
I am using SWIG to generate the C# wrapper for my DLL.
My problem is that for debugging reasons I have a different DLL for the
debug and release modes. This is reflected into the creation of SWIG wrapper
files, where cs debug and release files have the same filenames but refering
different DLLs in each mode. Those files, by the way, are created in
different directories and imported into my C# App, both, the release and
debug mode files. I used import sub-folders to be able to have both versions
in my project.
So, my question is: how can I make a set of files be compiled in debug
mode and other ser in release mode using C# and Visual Studio?



in this case you might be better using nAnt to build your app. you would need
to spend a bit of time writing a build script but its not difficult to do and
might give you better productivity long term. have a look at

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