C# CLR interface to Linq programming




Is there anywhere documenting calling a SQL Server2005 C# CLR
SqlFunction Scaler Valued Function (SVF) or Table Vaued Function
(TVF) from an external C# program (for instance a C# WinForms project
with a Linq to SQL dbml class)?

Is the book "CLR via C# Second Edition"
http://www.microsoft.com/mspress/books/6522.aspx from 2/22/2006 going
to answer questions like that relevent to the VS2008 RTM 11/19/2007?
Is there any online support for this book later than 2/22/2006?
What other books or other resources are there for C# CLR? "Profession
SQL Serve 2005 CLR Programming"
http://www.wrox.com/WileyCDA/WroxTitle/productCd-0470054034.html is
great for what it covers, but it has absoluely nothing about consuming
any C# CLR SqlProcedure or SqlFunction assets from an external C#
Linq project.

For a large multirow SQL Table is my assumption true that a TVF
SqlFunction returning a single row IEnumerable TableDefinition will
be signficantly faster than a Linq
myDataClassesDataContext.myLinqTable.AsEnumerable().Single function
call mapping to
"SELECT ... FROM [myDataClassesDataContext].[myLinqTable] AS [t0]"

a Linq qmyDataClassesDataContext.myLinqTable.Single function call
mapping to
"SELECT ... FROM [myDataClassesDataContext].[myLinqTable] AS [t0]
WHERE [t0].[myColumnName] = @p0"
T-SQL wil be approximately as fast as a TVF SqlFunction?

The 2008 MSDN does't have SqlFunction, SqlUserDefinedType,
SqlMethod, ...; instead it has SqlFunctionAttribute,
SqlUserDefinedAttirbute, SqlMethodAttribute...
For VS2008 RTM how accurate is the <xxx> information in the 2008 MSDN
<xxx>Attribute documentation?
