C# calling COM obj


Chuck Bowling

I have a COM object that I'm trying to use in a C# app. I registered the obj
and added a reference in my C# project. However, when i tried to instantate
a new instance of the object I got this Exception. Anybody have a clue as to
what I'm doing wrong? I wouldn't doubt if it was something very simple. I'm
fairly new to C# and very new to Interop and COM.


Chuck Bowling

Chuck Bowling said:
I have a COM object that I'm trying to use in a C# app. I registered the obj
and added a reference in my C# project. However, when i tried to instantate
a new instance of the object I got this Exception. Anybody have a clue as to
what I'm doing wrong? I wouldn't doubt if it was something very simple. I'm
fairly new to C# and very new to Interop and COM.


Whoops... Guess it would help if I added the Exception message... :p

An unhandled exception of type 'System.TypeLoadException' occurred in

Additional information: Could not load type CSoundTypeLib.ComCsoundClass
from assembly CSoundTypeLib, Version=1.0.1705.23796, Culture=neutral,

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