c# - Automatically displaying SubReports in New Tab Pages



Hello Friends,
I am working on a C# windows Application which generates a crystal
report . There is a subreport embedded in the main report . I want this
subreport to open automatically in a new tab when the main report is
generated and displayed. As of now , since it is an OnDemand report, it
displays a link for the sub report clicking on which will open the sub
report in a new tab page.I dont want to have the report as an OnDemand
report . Is it possible to open the SubReport automatically in a new
tab page without having to click on the link?
I would really appreciate any help.



why was it made as a ondemand subreport, if it can be shown as standalone
report? ondemand subreports should be used only if you need to display that
subreport in details section and in the main report some kind of summary
if you need to display the ondemand subreport in another tab, wouldnt that
subreport be for any specific entity from your main report?

you can still show in a separte tab as you are showing your main report, but
you need to refer that subreport directly.


Dear Avnrao,
Thank you for your reply.
The subreport we generate contains the details of the Business orders
listed in the main report.In other words, every entry in the main report
will be detailed in the subreport. Now the end users want the subreport
to be opened in a seperate tab with the main report . Assuming that the
subreport is generated as a seperate report, how will i display that in
a different tab together with the main report ?.
Kinldy let me know where i should look for to solve this problem .
thank you once again for your reply.


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