C# application listen to update


Jason Huang


Our C# windows form applications deploy on our clients, most PCs are Windows
And we want to do something so the application will listen to our server to
check if an updating is needed, to some extent it's similiar to the Windows
I am not sure if C# can do this or I have to solve it in other ways.
Any help will be appreciated.




Without posting our internal code here, which i am sure i would get shot
for, we basically use the following method.

We have a text file on our server which contains a simple version number.
Every 30 minutes or so , the application checks this version number in a
seperate thread so that it dosn't interfere we the applications main thread
too much.
If an update is available we simply alert the user to this and give them the
oppertunity to download it if they want.

Its quite a simple solution, but it works perfectly without much code.

If you need any further help i can post some code example of how we do this.



Perhaps you should look into No Touch Deployment (.Net 1.x) or
ClickOnce deployment (.Net 2.0).

Jason Huang

Thanks Ignacio.
Now I've downloaded and installed the Updater Aplication Block, V2.
But there're several projects in the updater.sln.
How do I apply the updater for my current application?

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