Buying Digital Signature to Bypass Security in Excel



My Excel sheet is being used by many users and I have had way too man
calls about not being able to "Enable Macros." Their security level i
set on high. It's difficult explaining to every user how to set th
security level.


Is buying digital signature my solution? If so, where is the bes
place to do this

Frank Kabel

you don't need to buy them. You could create your own digital
signature. have a look at the Excel VBA help for this

Gord Dibben


To clarify.

Self-cert signatures are machine-specific and not transportable unless they
could be exported through the Microsoft Management Console.

I haven't tried to export any of my self-certs so don't know if possible.

Might be more of a hassle then not, but OP could try.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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