Burning to cd? Where to save?


Craig R.

Hi all,

I've compiled several of my wedding photo slideshows and made them
accessable via an HTML page... I'd like to save them to CD so I can send
them to family and friends.

I have a couple of questions, though:

1. Where do I save the files for the slideshows? Should I create a
directory structure that looks identical to where I have them saved now? If
my shows now are in D:/wedding/slides should I create a cd directory of

2. The slideshows were created using Powerpoint for Office XP... Will
people be able to view them regardless of the version they have on their pc?
I also downloaded a viewer, but it came with no instructions on using it for
this particular purpose.

3. Is there a way to get rid of the black screen with: "Slide show ended,
click to exit" written on it? I'd rather have people redirected to the html
page that welcomed them.

Thanks in advance!


Steve Rindsberg

I've compiled several of my wedding photo slideshows and made them
accessable via an HTML page... I'd like to save them to CD so I can send
them to family and friends.

So the HTML file on CD has links to various PPT files, also on the CD?
Based on that assumption ...
1. Where do I save the files for the slideshows? Should I create a
directory structure that looks identical to where I have them saved now? If
my shows now are in D:/wedding/slides should I create a cd directory of

HTML makes this somewhat easier than it'd be in PPT. If you make the html link
point to just the file name, no path, you're good to go. The browser will look
for file-only links in the same folder as the HTML file itself. So the links
should like like:

<a href="Show_1.ppt">View the first show</a>

or you could put the presentations in a subfolder to keep the root folder less
cluttered, in which case:

<a href="subfolder_name\Show_1.ppt">View the first show, which I've hidden in a
subfolder said:
2. The slideshows were created using Powerpoint for Office XP... Will
people be able to view them regardless of the version they have on their pc?

As long as they have PowerPoint 97 or later, or one of the PPT viewers, yes;
but new features introduced in XP (animations and some slide timing features)
won't be supported or will appear slightly different in older versions.
3. Is there a way to get rid of the black screen with: "Slide show ended,
click to exit" written on it? I'd rather have people redirected to the html
page that welcomed them.

That's a PPT-level setting, so you can't really control it. But if you set up
the presentation to run in Kiosk mode, supply your own navigation buttons
instead of having them click to go forward, then you could put an End Show
button on the last slide. They click that, the show closes, no black slide at
the end, voila, deed's done.

Craig R.


Steve, TAJ - you guys rock!

Thanks so much for answering my questions so quickly!


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