bulk replacement of cell reference within formula



In a formula with 8 IF queries, for example
=IF(B13="Blah",Blah!$C$37,IF(B13="Stuff",Stuff!$C$37)) etc, how do I replace
all the cell references (say $C$37) in one go, without having to overwrite
each one separately?
I tried highlighting the formula then utilising Find & Replace in the Edit
menu (which has a option to look in formulas) to no avail.
Would appreciate assistance ans there are tonnes to change


Replace works for me. Don't highlight the formula. Just select any individual
cell or the range in which you want the replacements.
Ensure that Match Entire cell contents is NOT checked and that you are
looking in formulas.
Click on replace all.

Tip: It is a good idea to ensure you have a backup of your workbook when
performing this type of operation in case you get it wrong.




Thank you for responding...it would appear that highlighting the formula was
indeed the problem.

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