bulk mailing problem


Ludo Soete


I'm writing an utility for our club to keep track of adresses,
members, finance,...
One posibility is to send automaticaly an email to all members in the
month of December for their membership renewal.
I have now 24 email addresses where i have to send the message, and
this list will extend, but it won't work.

I do have an error when sending the mail, saying there's an email
address refused.
When i copy / paste the strMailto string into the 'To' field from
Outlook Express, it does work. Strange, isn't it?
I'm using Excel 2000 (NO service packs installed !) & Outlook Express

1) How many recipient addresses can i place in the 'To' textbox?
2) How can i create with VBA code a 'Group' with recipient addresses,
so hopefully preventing above problem.
Let say that i have in the future 500 recipient addresses where i do
have to send the same message.

I use following code in the frmBulkMail form to create the mail:
REMARK : The strMailTo variable is a Public variable

Public strMailTo as String

Private Sub cmdSendMembers_Click()
MemberMailAddresses 'create recipient list - strMailTo contains
ALL recipient addresses
Send 'send the mail
With Me
.txtSubject.Enabled = True 'enable subject field for
End With
blContactMe = False
Unload Me
End Sub
This routine creates the recipient string

Sub MemberMailAddresses()
Dim PreviousAddress As String
Dim ActualAddress As String
strMailTo = ""
Range("J2").Select 'this column contains the email address
Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select 'select next email address
PreviousAddress = Trim(Selection.Offset(-1, 0).Value)
ActualAddress = Trim(ActiveCell.Value)
If PreviousAddress = ActualAddress Or ActualAddress = "" Then 'if
PreviousAddress equals ActualAddress or ActualAddress = empty, select
next row
Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
If Trim(PreviousAddress) <> "" Then
strMailTo = strMailTo & PreviousAddress & ";" 'create
recipient string, separate the address by ;
End If
Loop Until Selection.Offset(0, 1).Value = False 'True if member,
False if no member
'remove last pointcomma
strMailTo = Left$(strMailTo, Len(strMailTo) - 1) 'remove last ;
in recipient string 'strMailTo'
Debug.Print strMailTo
End Sub
This routine is used to send the message using the 'strMailTo' string
as recipient

Sub Send()
frmBulkMail.MAPIMessages1.MsgIndex = -1
frmBulkMail.MAPIMessages1.SessionID =
If blContactMe = True Then
frmBulkMail.MAPIMessages1.RecipAddress =
"(e-mail address removed)"
frmBulkMail.MAPIMessages1.RecipAddress = Trim(strMailTo)
End If
If Trim(frmBulkMail.txtSubject) = "" Then
frmBulkMail.MAPIMessages1.MsgSubject = "Dit is een
automatische mail verstuurd door BeLUG Admin."
frmBulkMail.MAPIMessages1.MsgSubject = frmBulkMail.txtSubject
End If
frmBulkMail.MAPIMessages1.MsgNoteText = frmBulkMail.tbMessage
frmBulkMail.MAPISession1.DownLoadMail = True
End Sub

Thanks for any help,

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