Im having problems with the statement following in my code:
"WHERE (((Scores.Season)>= " & Me.txtSeason.Value & " And (Scores.Season)<="
& Me.txtEndSeason.Value & ") AND ((Format([Scores].[Date],'ww'))<= " &
Me.cmbWeekNo.Value & "));"
It works fine if txtEndSeason.Value is equal to txtSeason.Value but if I
have a range say 1880 and 1889 respectively, I get an error stating "...data
type mismatch in criteria expression.." when I run the code.
Full build query statement:
qdf.SQL = "SELECT Scores.ID, Scores.Date, Scores.Season, Scores.Visitor,
Scores.[Visitor Score], Scores.Home, Scores.[Home Score], Scores.Margin,
Scores.Nuetral, Scores.Location, Scores.Location2, Scores.Line," & _
"IIf(Scores!Date-(Now()-0)>0,1,0) AS [Future Game],
IIf(Scores!Margin=0,0,((Scores!Margin)/(Abs(Scores!Margin)))) AS [Win-Loss],
IIf(Round(((((Scores!Date-12/31/1900)/365.25)-(Int((Scores!Date-12/31/1900)/365.25)))*12),1)>9.3,1," & _
AS [September Game],
IIf(Round(((((Scores!Date-12/31/1900)/365.25)-(Int((Scores!Date-12/31/1900)/365.25)))*12),1)>11.2,1," & _
AS [Bowl Game], 1+(([Home Score]+10)/([Home Score]+[Visitor Score]+20)) AS
[Percent Margin]," & _
"IIf(Abs([Margin])=0,0,(Log(Abs([Margin])))*([Margin]/(Abs([Margin])))) AS
[Adj Log Margin]," & _
"IIf(Scores!Nuetral=0,Scores!Margin-Coefficients![Home Field Adv
Margin],Scores!Margin) AS [Adjusted Margin],
IIf(Scores!Nuetral=0,[Win-Loss]-Coefficients![Home Field
AdvWin-Loss],[Win-Loss])" & _
"AS [Adjusted Margin Win-Loss], [School Season Division].Division," & _
"[School Season Division_1].Division, [Date] & RTrim(Scores!Home) &
RTrim(Scores!Visitor) AS Game, Format(Scores.Date,'ww') AS Week " & _
"FROM Coefficients, [School Season Division] INNER JOIN ([School Season
Division] AS [School Season Division_1] " & _
"INNER JOIN Scores ON ([School Season Division_1].Season = Scores.Season)
AND ([School Season Division_1].Home = Scores.Home)) " & _
"ON ([School Season Division].Home = Scores.Visitor) AND ([School Season
Division].Season = Scores.Season)" & _
"WHERE (((Scores.Season)>= " & Me.txtSeason.Value & " And (Scores.Season)<="
& Me.txtEndSeason.Value & ") AND ((Format([Scores].[Date],'ww'))<= " &
Me.cmbWeekNo.Value & "));"
"WHERE (((Scores.Season)>= " & Me.txtSeason.Value & " And (Scores.Season)<="
& Me.txtEndSeason.Value & ") AND ((Format([Scores].[Date],'ww'))<= " &
Me.cmbWeekNo.Value & "));"
It works fine if txtEndSeason.Value is equal to txtSeason.Value but if I
have a range say 1880 and 1889 respectively, I get an error stating "...data
type mismatch in criteria expression.." when I run the code.
Full build query statement:
qdf.SQL = "SELECT Scores.ID, Scores.Date, Scores.Season, Scores.Visitor,
Scores.[Visitor Score], Scores.Home, Scores.[Home Score], Scores.Margin,
Scores.Nuetral, Scores.Location, Scores.Location2, Scores.Line," & _
"IIf(Scores!Date-(Now()-0)>0,1,0) AS [Future Game],
IIf(Scores!Margin=0,0,((Scores!Margin)/(Abs(Scores!Margin)))) AS [Win-Loss],
IIf(Round(((((Scores!Date-12/31/1900)/365.25)-(Int((Scores!Date-12/31/1900)/365.25)))*12),1)>9.3,1," & _
AS [September Game],
IIf(Round(((((Scores!Date-12/31/1900)/365.25)-(Int((Scores!Date-12/31/1900)/365.25)))*12),1)>11.2,1," & _
AS [Bowl Game], 1+(([Home Score]+10)/([Home Score]+[Visitor Score]+20)) AS
[Percent Margin]," & _
"IIf(Abs([Margin])=0,0,(Log(Abs([Margin])))*([Margin]/(Abs([Margin])))) AS
[Adj Log Margin]," & _
"IIf(Scores!Nuetral=0,Scores!Margin-Coefficients![Home Field Adv
Margin],Scores!Margin) AS [Adjusted Margin],
IIf(Scores!Nuetral=0,[Win-Loss]-Coefficients![Home Field
AdvWin-Loss],[Win-Loss])" & _
"AS [Adjusted Margin Win-Loss], [School Season Division].Division," & _
"[School Season Division_1].Division, [Date] & RTrim(Scores!Home) &
RTrim(Scores!Visitor) AS Game, Format(Scores.Date,'ww') AS Week " & _
"FROM Coefficients, [School Season Division] INNER JOIN ([School Season
Division] AS [School Season Division_1] " & _
"INNER JOIN Scores ON ([School Season Division_1].Season = Scores.Season)
AND ([School Season Division_1].Home = Scores.Home)) " & _
"ON ([School Season Division].Home = Scores.Visitor) AND ([School Season
Division].Season = Scores.Season)" & _
"WHERE (((Scores.Season)>= " & Me.txtSeason.Value & " And (Scores.Season)<="
& Me.txtEndSeason.Value & ") AND ((Format([Scores].[Date],'ww'))<= " &
Me.cmbWeekNo.Value & "));"